TUF 24 Finale Results: Devin Clark defeats Josh Stansbury
A light heavyweight bout between Devin Clark and Josh Stansbury kicked off tonight’s TUF 24 Finale event in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Round one begins and Clark lands a body kick to start. Stansbury presses forward and misses with a hook. Clark ducks under the punch and presses Josh against the fence. Knees inside from Clark. Stansbury returns fire with some knees of his own from the clinch position. The fighters break and Devin lands a push kick. He presses forward but eats a nice counter right hand from Josh. Stansbury misses with a high kick. He connects with a follow up body kick. Clark presses forward and shoots in for a takedown. He gets it. He begins working from half guard. Clark works some short shots from the top. Stansbury scrambles and is able to get back to his feet. Clark still has Josh presses against the fence. He misses with a spinning elbow attempt. Stansbury switches the position and sinks in a guillotine choke as Devin shoots in. Round one comes to an end as Stansbury was trying to readjust the submission hold.
Round two begins and Clark shoots in with a poor takedown attempt that was stuffed. Josh lands a nice punch in an attempted combination. Stansbury presses Clark against the fence. He begins working some knees on Devin. Clark breaks free and lands a nice combination on the break. Josh gets a hold of him and presses him back against the cage. The fighters exchange knees from the clinch. The fighters break and Josh lands a pair of nice right hands. Devin charges forward strikes. He lands a nice body kick. He follows that up with a high kick. Clark shoots for a takedown but Josh stuffs the attempt. The fighters once again clinch against the fence. Devin breaks free and lands a nice combination. Clark grabs double under hooks and begins working for a takedown. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Clark lands a nice jab to start. He presses forward and lands a solid combination. Josh counters with a right hand. He now presses forward and lands a combination. He shoots in for a takedown attempt but Clark fights it off. Josh still has Devin presses against the cage. Stansbury lands an uppercut as they break. Clark with a body kick. Josh responds with a nice left. Clark shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. The fighters engage in the clinch against the cage. Knees inside from Devin. He lands a left hook as they break. Josh comes forward and lands a jab. Devin returns fire with a nice combination. Josh replies with another stiff jab. Both men are throwing punches now. Clark shoots in for a takedown. After a scramble he winds up on the back of Josh. Round three comes to an end.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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