New Bellator Champ Will Brooks Goes Off On Twitter

Will Brooks shocked the wold last Saturday when he upset Michael Chandler in the Bellator 120 co-main event.
Now holding interim gold, the champ took to twitter to discuss the interesting predicament he finds himself in.
check it:
I honestly couldn't careless about what Bellator does next. I'll be here getting better and ready to fight anyone anytime. #anyonecangetit
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 19, 2014
Like it or not I won the belt. I don't care what Bjorn or Bellator does next, go do Chandler/Alvarez III I don't care #nofucksaregiven
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
Bjorn's not going to send 1 of Bellator's poster boys to the back of the line and back in the tournament. Let's stop playing games
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
I honestly don't need the Bellator belt to be champion I just want to get better as a fighter and change the way things work now.
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
My GF, family, friends, coach, teammates, and fans support me as if I'm a champion belt or no belt so I'm no tripping
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
It's all BS and the people know it and the fighters. Like me or hate me I'm going to force change in this organization or be fired
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
I paid Chandler respect said "with or without a belt Chandler is a champion still" he can't show the same respect fine lets do it again bro
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
Chandler/Alvarez are only worried about fighting each other and making their money and more power to them for that can't hate them for it.
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
But I'm focused on changing things for the fighters in the organization because there's talent in Bellator that's getting over looked
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
We the fighters break our necks, grind, suffer, and sacrifice in the gym to battle and entertain. And for what? To be taken advantage of
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
Some people believe Chandler beat me and that's fine your entitled to your opinions. But this fight I took wasn't about a win or the belt
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
I took the fight against Chandler because I believe 100% that it's time for a change in the organization so I put myself out there
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
I just want the best for the fighters of this sport not the organizations. The fighters and the sport should be first at all times
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
I've said what I have to say again agree or disagree with the judges I honestly don't care. I 100% just want the best for the fighters/sport
— Will Brooks
(@illwillbrooks86) May 20, 2014
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM