Brendan Schaub on Brock Lesnar fighting at UFC 200: ‘Does no one think this is fishy?’
Brock Lesnar is set to return to the Octagon at UFC 200 against Mark Hunt.

Lesnar signed a contract with the UFC to fight at UFC 200 and has bypassed three of four months of random drug testing done by the U.S. Anit-Doping Association (USADA) due to an exemption from the UFC and a lot of people are raising an eyebrow on the situation.
Former UFC heavyweight Brendan Schaub spoke about the curious case of Brock Lesnar on his “The Fighter & The Kid” podcast.
“He (Lesnar) could have gotten off of them, and tailored off,” said Schaub (transcribed by MMA Mania). “Now he can fight and be clean. So I’m retired and let’s say they want me to fight; I have to give the drug testing sanction, body a four-month heads up like, ‘Hey, I am thinking about fighting.’ They will be like ‘Okay, you have four months where we are going to test you and you got to be clean.’ He skipped all of that and now he only has four weeks where they can test him. Does no one think this is fishy? Hey man, you can’t do that! Mark Hunt should be able to take whatever he wants. Mark Hunt should come juiced to the gills and look like fucking Chong Li from Blood sport with traps from here to here. F**k you!”
Schaub added that he feels the UFC knew about all of this very early in advance and executed everything as part of a plan.
“So maybe six months ago he told Dana, ‘Hey man I want to fight.’ And Dana was like, ‘Cool, well listen you know there is that four-month window.’ And he’ll say, ‘Okay, let’s see how we can work around this,’ If this doesn’t signal to every human being in the world that he’s probably on stuff.”
What are your thoughts on what Schaub has to say regarding the situation? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section!
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
Brock Lesnar