Dana White believes The Rock could be Oscar-bound for portraying UFC legend Mark Kerr: “He will kill this!”

By Josh Evanoff - June 19, 2024

UFC President Dana White has given Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson his stamp of approval for his upcoming movie.

As some MMA fans are likely aware, the WWE wrestler is currently filming ‘The Smashing Machine’. Being directed by Benny Safdie of ‘Uncut Gems’ fame, ‘The Rock’ will portray UFC legend Mark Kerr. In the early 2000s, an HBO documentary followed the heavyweight’s rise, and then brutal decline in the sport.

Back in 2019, Johnson revealed plans to adapt the documentary into a film with himself playing Kerr. After multiple delays, the movie is now finally being filmed. On social media, the man known to many fans worldwide as ‘The Rock’ has given several updates. Just based on the images seen thus far, it’s a role that Johnson is taking very seriously.

Furthermore, it seems that UFC President Dana White is a fan of what he’s seen as well. Speaking in a recent interview with Collider, the promoter was asked about Johnson’s role in the film. There, White praised The Rock, stating that the wrestler-turned-actor was putting everything he had into the movie. That’s evidenced by the fact that Johnson recently suffered an elbow injury while filming.


Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

Image via: @therock on Instagram

UFC President Dana White praises Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson during filming of MMA film

Dana White is such a believer in the film, that he believes the longtime actor could get himself in the Oscar conversation. While ‘The Rock’ has been acting for decades now, he’s never been nominated by the Academy Awards. White believes that can change with the wrestler’s performance playing Mark Kerr next year.

“I don’t know if you saw it, but he was showing on his Instagram the other day that he messed up his elbow.” Dana White told Collider, discussing Dwayne Johnson’s role as Mark Kerr in an upcoming film. “‘The Rock’ will kill this. He will nail this role. I know how serious he’s taking this, I know who’s working with him, and I know how hard he’s working on this film. I think that this could be the opportunity for ‘The Rock’ to actually be nominated for an Oscar.” (h/t MMA Mania)

In addition to ‘The Rock’ appearing in the film, there are several other big names attached to the project. Current undisputed heavyweight boxing champion Oleksandr Usyk is set to portray Igor Vovchanchyn, and Ryan Bader is slated to play UFC legend Mark Coleman.

What do you make of these comments from Dana White? Are you excited to see ‘The Rock’ play former UFC heavyweight Mark Kerr?

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Dana White Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson UFC