Michael Chandler throws a shot at Conor McGregor as rivalry intensifies

By Harry Kettle - June 23, 2024

UFC star Michael Chandler has thrown a shot at Conor McGregor as their rivalry continues to intensify.

ConorMcGregor, Michael Chandler

As we know, Michael Chandler and Conor McGregor will not be facing off in the main event of UFC 303. This is due to an injury sustained by McGregor, with there being no word on when he’ll be able to return.

RELATED: Conor McGregor reveals the injury that forced him out of UFC 303: “See ya’s soon, Chandler or not”

He did, however, make an appearance at a Bellator show over the weekend. He seemed to be in good spirits, and he made it clear that he wants to return as soon as possible. As we know, Chandler and Conor were supposed to have a press conference in Dublin ahead of UFC 303, but it never came to fruition.

There are plenty of ifs, buts and maybes right now. Alas, what we do know is that Chandler isn’t happy – as you can tell by the following message.

Chandler sends a message

“Speaking of showing up to events…glad you finally made it to the 3Arena where the press conference was supposed to be June 3rd. Sweet slippers. Who’s the Bellator Tick now? @TheNotoriousMMA”

Everyone knows that Michael Chandler is a company man. In equal measure, he’s also getting pretty tired of what’s going on right now – and understandably so. Hopefully, for his sake, he’s able to get back in the Octagon sooner rather than later. As for the Irishman, when he does eventually step into the cage, you can bet that all eyes will be on the UFC once again.

What do you make of this feud between Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler? Do you feel like the American has a good chance of getting the job done against his foe? Let us know your thoughts, BJPENN Nation!

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Conor McGregor Michael Chandler UFC