Gillian Robertson believes Michelle Waterson-Gomez fight at UFC 303 is the beginning of her “title run”

By Cole Shelton - June 27, 2024

Gillian Robertson believes she can put the strawweight division on notice with her UFC 303 fight.

Gillian Robertson

Robertson is set to fight Michelle Waterson-Gomez on Saturday in a pivotal fight for both of their career. The Canadian is coming off a TKO win over Polyana Viana back in January. Now, five months later she is fighting, which she says was perfect for her.

“For me at strawweight this is ideal. At flyweight, I could be more active, but at strawweight, I made a mistake taking that Tabatha Ricci fight, it was too quick of a turnaround for my body. I need the time in between to fight at this realistic,” Robertson said on Just Scrap Radio on

When Gillian Robertson was ready to return, she was offered Waterson-Gomez at UFC 303 which is International Fight Week. The Canadian says she immediately accepted and says she hasn’t been excited to fight in a long time, due to the popularity of Waterson-Gomez.

“It’s a moment I’ve been waiting for. This really is my title run, this is my shot. Fighting a name and a vet like Michelle Waterson it is an honor to be fighting her. I’m so excited about this opportunity, I haven’t been this excited in a long time… For me to prove I belong, I have to beat someone like Michelle,” Robertson said.

Entering her fight at UFC 303, Gillian Robertson is the betting favorite and she believes she will be able to control Michelle Waterson-Gomez on the ground. Robertson expects to get a stoppage win whether it by TKO or submission to prove she is a legit contender at 115lbs.

“She’s a hard girl to put away. The second it hits the ground we are in my world. If you are a black belt, I’m going to knock you out on the ground, if you are a striker, I’m going to submit you the second it hits the ground. I have a lot of confidence. Michelle does a good job avoiding the takedowns, even if it does go that way, I’m comfortable doing damage on the feet,” Robertson said.

If Robertson does finish Waterson-Gomez at UFC 303 as she plans, she believes she could be fighting for the title by this time next year.

“I’m hoping a fight away from a No. 1 contender fight. Two more wins after this and I should be looking at the belt,” Robertson said.

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Exclusive MMA Interviews Gillian Robertson Michelle Waterson UFC