TUF 26 Finale Results: Sean O’Malley defeats Terrion Ware
A bantamweight scrap between Sean O’Malley and Terrion Ware served as the co-main event of tonight’s TUF 26 Finale in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Ware fires off a leg kick. O’Malley returns fire with a side kick to the body. Sean steps in to the pocket and throws another kick. He lands another and then circles off of the fence. Ware is pressing forward but Sean is keeping him at bay with kicks. Terrion goes to the body with a right hand. He presses Sean against the cage and works a knee. O’Malley shakes free and moves back towards the center of the octagon. Ware chases after him and lands a right. O’Malley returns fire with one of his own followed by a question mark kick. Sean with a nice left jab. He follows that up with a right hand over the top. Ware is trying to close the distance but Sean clips him with another left jab. Ware misses with a combination. He backs Sean on against the cage. O’Malley lands a foot sweep but does not follow Ware to the ground. Terrion is back up and fires off a left hook. Sean leaps in with a left hand. He counters Ware with a right hand. Terrion closes the distance and lands a right. Both men trade punches. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Ware presses the action early. He lands a nice outside low kick. O’Malley scores with a counter right hand. He circles and then throws a left that misses the mark. Ware with a lot of pressure now. O’Malley throws a head kick which is blocked. The fighters briefly clinch. Ware forces the break and throws a big combination. He lands a left and then a right hand over the top. Ware with some big punches now. O’Malley appears to be in trouble. He needs to stop backing up. Ware connects with another solid right. Sean fires back with a punch to the body. More punches from Ware now. He is all over O’Malley. Ware with a right hand. O’Malley fires off a desperate kick but slips and falls. Ware takes top position. Sean scrambles and gets back up to his feet. He misses with a spinning back fist. Both men land kicks. Sean lands a good combination but Ware returns fire with one of his own. Sean goes to the body with a jab. The fighters trade low kicks. O’Malley attempts a jumping triangle but cannot lock in the submission. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and O’Malley lands a pair of lefts early. Ware again is applying a ton of pressure. Sean lands a spinning back kick, he follows that up with a left hand and then another. Ware lands a nice low kick. He shoots in but Sean isn’t having it. O’Malley with a left hand and then a jab. Ware goes to the body with a punch. O’Malley lands a left but Ware counters with a right hand over the top. Terrion leaps in with another right but Sean ducks under the strike and circles out. O’Malley with a pair of right jabs that connect. Ware opts to clinch up. They break and Sean lands a nice combination. He scores with a left hand. Ware leaps in with a combination but nothing lands. He pushes Sean against the cage and searches for a takedown. O’Malley reverses the position and lands a head kick. He throws another but it is blocked. Sean shoots in and scores a takedown. He begins working for a choke. Ware scrambles and gets back up to his feet. The fighters trade punches as the horn sounds to end round three.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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Sean O'Malley TUF 26 Finale