UFC 208 Results: Anderson Silva defeats Derek Brunson (Highlights)
A key middleweight bout between former division title holder Anderson Silva and Derek Brunson served as the co-main event of tonight’s UFC 208 pay-per-view card in Brooklyn, New York.

Round one begins and Silva takes the center of the octagon. Brunson comes forward and lands a leg kick. He circles out and then lands another leg kick. Silva comes forward and lands a left hand. Brunson leaps in with a right but Silva counters with a left. Derek with an inside leg kick. Anderson charges forward and throws a combination. Brunson ducks under and shoots in for a takedown. He presses Silva against the fence. Anderson breaks free and circles out. The fighters trade punches in the center of the cage. Brunson shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Derek lands a left and then a right in the clinch. The fighters break and Brunson misses with a front kick. Derek circles and lands a leg kick. He lands another hard kick to the outside of Anderson’s leg. Silva pressing forward now. He lands a kick to the body and then throws a wheel kick. Brunson lands an uppercut and then another. Silva attempts a flying knee that misses. He falls down and Brunson drops in to his guard as round one comes to an end.
We got action! #UFC208 pic.twitter.com/4QschVAJlI
— UFC (@ufc) February 12, 2017
Round two begins and Silva presses forward early. Brunson shoots in but Silva defends the takedown attempt. Silva throws a knee that just misses. Brunson fires back with a leg kick. Another kick from Derek but Silva counters with a right hand. Derek comes forward and lands a nice left. Silva responds with a jab. Silva with a spinning back fist and then a body kick. Derek shoots in and scores a takedown. Silva quickly gets back to his feet but Derek has him pressed against the cage. Silva breaks free and lands an elbow. Derek shoots in for a double leg but it is not there. Silva shakes him off. Brunson fires off a leg kick. Silva lands a right hand and then a leg kick. Brunson circles out. Silva is dancing now. Derek lands a leg kick but Anderson responds with a jab. Good pressure from Anderson to close out round two.
Only @SpiderAnderson…#UFC208 pic.twitter.com/gj7TKrujfR
— UFC (@ufc) February 12, 2017
Round three begins and Brunson lands a left and then misses with a right. He attempts a high kick but Anderson gets out of the way. Derek shoots in and briefly drags Anderson down to the floor. Silva quickly back up and lands a jab. Derek shoots in for a takedown but it is stuffed. The fighters battle in the clinch along the cage. They break and Silva lands a crisp jab. Brunson comes forward and lands a left. The fighters clinch and Derek lands a knee and then a right. Silva with a kick but Derek lands a right. They clinch and Brunson lands multiple uppercuts. Both fighters miss with front kicks. Brunson lands a left and then a leg kick. Silva scores a hard leg kick. Brunson returns fire with one of his own. Derek moves in and scores a takedown. 90 seconds remain. Brunson working from full guard here. He lands an elbow. Silva is defending well here. Anderson lands a nice shot from the bottom. Brunson returns fire with a left and then a right. Round three comes to an end.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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Anderson Silva Derek Brunson UFC 208