UFC 210 Results: Desmond Green defeats Josh Emmett via split-decision (Highlights)
UFC 210 Results: Josh Emmett vs. Desmond Green

A lightweight bout between Josh Emmett and Desmond Green took place on tonight’s UFC 210 fight pass prelims in Buffalo, New York.
Round one begins and Emmett presses forward with a pair of punches that miss and then a low kick which lands. Both men are utilizing a lot of movement early. Green scores with a nice combination. Josh replies with a right hand. Green circles away but Emmett caches him with another right. A good outside leg kick scores for Green. Emmett circles away and almost trips over the referee. Josh misses with a wild right over the top. He follows that up with a low kick that connects with the groin of Green. The referee steps in but Green waves him off and we restart. Emmett changing levels and then comes forward with a right hand that lands. They fighters trade low kicks. Emmett presses forward and lands a nice combination. Green circles away and then comes in with a low kick that finds the mark. He lands another. He follows that up with a left that stuns Josh. Emmett circles out but appears to be recovered. Josh lands a low kick. He throws a flurry of punches but nothing connects. Green lands a hard body kick to end round one.
Round two begins and Green lands a hard jab to start things off. Emmett charges forward with strikes but Green avoids. Desmond with a nice kick to the body. He circles out and then lunges in with a flying knee that misses. Josh scores with a pair of low kicks. He lands a right over the top. Desmond replies with a kick. Emmett presses forward with a flurry but Green blocks the attempted punches. Josh shoots in for a takedown but Green stuffs the attempt easily. Desmond with a nice jab. Josh replies with a hard low kick. He lands another. Green replies with a left kick to the body and then a right hand. Green continues to press forward and lands a low kick. Emmett lands a right jab but gets countered by a hard right hook from Green. Desmond is utilizing his range really well here. He lands a nice kick to the body. One minute remains. Green presses forward and lands a left. Emmett charges forward with a flurry but fails to connect. Green scores with a counter left hook to close out round two.
Takedown? Stuffed by @predatortoon! #UFC210 pic.twitter.com/0VwkJ1HIdh
— UFC (@ufc) April 8, 2017
Round three begins and Green land a big takedown to start. He begins working some nice left hands from the top. Emmett searches for a submission but it is not there. He uses the attempt to get back to his feet however. The fighters clash heads as Green attempts to secure another takedown. They break and Green lands a hard uppercut followed by a nice left. Josh seems to be ok and fires off a low kick and then another to the body. Emmett is bleeding from his head. Green lands a low kick and then a decent combination. Josh is firing off punches but is having trouble connecting. Emmett finally lands a nice right over the top. Green shoots in but cannot secure a takedown. Forty seconds remain in the fight. Both men miss with left jabs. They trade right hands. Emmett with a flying knee but Green counters with a right. The horn sounds to end round three.
Warriors! Who takes it at #UFC210? @JoshEmmett155 or @predatortoon? pic.twitter.com/D3b45q0cZs
— UFC (@ufc) April 8, 2017
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
Desmond Green Josh Emmett UFC 210