UFC 212 Results: Viviane Pereira defeats Jamie Moyle (Highlights)
UFC 212 Results: Jamie Moyle vs. Viviane Pereira

A women’s strawweight scrap between Jamie Moyle and Viviane Pereira capped off tonight’s UFC 212 Fight Pass prelims in Brazil.
Round one begins and Moyle lands a low kick to start. Viviane leaps in with a left hand and then a right. Moyle circles and then lands another low kick. Pereira misses with a right hand and Moyle counters with a nice left. Again Jamie scores with a low kick. Pereira shoots in and presses Moyle against the fence. She lands a knee to the body of Jamie. Moyle replies with one of her own. The women switch to throwing right hands. They continue to battle in the clinch. Both ladies lands nice knees. Moyle with a good knee to the body and then another. They break and Viviane lands a left. Moyle circles out and then comes in with a crisp left jab that scores. She follows that up with a low kick and then a combination. Pereira rushes in and lands a right. She continues to press forward and scores with a combination. Moyle circles out and then leaps in with a right hook. Both ladies score with right hands now. Pereira charges in and presses Jamie against the fence. Moyle works some knees from the clinch. They break and Pereira lands a nice punch. She closes out round one with a nice right hand.
Round two begins and both ladies fire off some early combinations. Moyle with a right hand and Pereira replies with a left. Jamie shoots in but the takedown is not there for the taking. Viviane circles out and then lands a left. Moyle misses with a front kick and then circles to her left. She eats a right hand from Pereira. That was a hard shot. Viviane presses Jamie against the fence. Moyle finds a home for a knee there. The fighters break and Moyle misses with an uppercut attempt. She scores with a follow up low kick. Pereira pressing forward now. She misses with a combination but continues forward and scores with a left hand. Lots of pressure here from Viviane. She scores with a right. Moyle is on the retreat now. Pereira with a left and then a follow up right hand. Moyle circles back to the center of the cage. She lands a nice kick to the body of Pereira. Viviane catches a kick and then scores a trip takedown. She begins kicking the legs of her downed opponent. Round two comes to an end.
Vivane Pereira is landing at will here in round 2! #UFC212 pic.twitter.com/tsjxrmpt8p
— UFC (@ufc) June 3, 2017
Round three begins and Pereira pumps a left jab to start. Both women fire off low kicks. Moyle needs to find a way inside. Her corner told her she needs the finish. Pereira with another crisp left jab. She follows that up with a right hand over the top. Moyle replies with a leg kick. She presses forward with a combination that misses. Pereira adjusts and then lands a nice combination. She scores with another combination that ends with a hard right hand. Jamie misses with a front kick. She circles to her right and then comes in and grabs a hold of the clinch. She lands a knee but Viviane quickly shakes her off and breaks free. Another nice left hand from Pereira. Moyle with a leg kick but Viviane responds with a counter right hand. Two minutes remain for Moyle to find a finish. She eats a left hand and backs off. Pereira presses forward and lands a left hand. She fires off another combination. Moyle is being forced to retreat here. She lands a left hook while backing up but then eats a right hand. Moyle circles away from the fence and scores a nice low kick. Pereira with another nice jab. The horn sounds to end round three.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC 212