UFC 213 Results: Curtis Blaydes defeats Daniel Omielanczuk
UFC 213 Results: Curtis Blaydes vs. Daniel Omielanczuk

A heavyweight scrap between Curtis Blaydes and Daniel Omielanczuk took place on tonight’s UFC 213 main card in Las Vegas.
Round one begins and Omielanczuk comes forward and lands a left hand. Blaydes shoots in and presses Daniel against the cage. He works some knees. One appears to hit the groin and then a second does for sure. The referee steps in and after a brief break we restart. Omielanczuk lands a low kick. Blaydes shoots in and presses Daniel back up against the cage. He work and knee and then drops for a double leg takedown. Daniel defends but cannot get off the fence. Blaydes with another knee that allows Daniel to get off the fence. He circles out but Curtis quickly chases after him. Blaydes with a right jab but Daniel hits him with a body kick. Blaydes rushes in and pushes Daniel back up against the fence. He works some uppercuts and then a knee. Daniel fires back with one of his own and then they break. Blaydes shoots back in and presses Daniel back up along the fence. The fighters battle in the clinch but nothing serious is landing. They break but it lasts mere seconds as Curtis shoots back in. Round one comes to and end.
Round two begins and Omielanczuk opens up with a left kick to the body. Blaydes is bouncing trying to find his way inside. He shoots in and presses Daniel against the cage. Not much action happening there and after a brief stall Omielanczuk is able to circle off. Omielanczuk with a left kick but Blaydes quickly leaps forward and presses Daniel against the cage. Omielanczuk is able to break free but misses with a right hand. Blaydes pushes Daniel back up against the fence. He works a knee and then backs off and starts throwing punches. Nothing is really landing. Daniel is bobbing and weaving. Blaydes shoots in and presses Daniel back up against the fence. Not much in the way of strikes from this position and the horn sounds to end round two.
Round three begins and Omielanczuk lands a right hand and then presses forward with a combination. Blaydes shoots in but cannot secure a takedown. He lands a nice kick to the body of Daniel. Blaydes shoots in and presses Daniel against the cage. Again not much happening. After a referee warning Blaydes throws a combination and then circles off the cage. Omielanczuk goes to the body with a right hand and then to the head with a left. Blaydes misses with a right hook. He charges forward with a combination. He lands a nice right hand followed by a jab. Daniel moves forward but eats a right. Omielanczuk fires off a nice kick to the body. He avoids a right hook and then lands a left hand. Another good left from Daniel. Omielanczuk shoots in for a takedown. He has a hold of the foot but Blaydes is landing elbows to the body from here. Daniel scrambles and we are back on the feet. Daniel lands a side kick. Blaydes returns fire with a low kick. A spinning wheel kick misses for Omielanczuk. He lands a right hand. THe horn sounds to end round three.
Blaydes win via decision (30-27 x3)
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
Daniel Omielanczuk UFC 213