UFC Halifax Results: Gavin Tucker defeats Sam Sicilia
A featherweight bout between Sam Sicilia and Gavin Tucker took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 105 main card in Halifax, Canada.

Round one begins and Tucker comes forward quickly and lands a hard leg kick. He follows that up with another. Gavin switches his stances as the crowd chants his name. Sam fires back with a low kick. Tucker returns fire with one of his own. A big high kick partially lands for Gavin. He lands another low kick. Sam comes forward with a kick. Gavin circles and then lands a left jab. Sam responds with a quick right. Gavin circles and then lands a leg kick. He attempts a high kick but Sam blocks it. Both men score with jabs. Tucker lands a right hook. He fires off a hard kick to the body and then another. Sam looks confused here. A big leg kick lands for Gavin. He attempts a high kick. Sam lands a left hook counter. Gavin circles and then lands a front kick to the body. Sam fires back with a low kick. One minute remains. Gavin goes upstairs but the kick just misses. He presses forward with a jab to the body. Another nice combo scores for Gavin. Sam scores with a knee inside. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Sam presses forward but misses with a left. Gavin replies with a pair of kicks. He goes high and then low. Sam is trying to use more footwork now. Tucker comes forward with a left. Sam attempts an uppercut that misses. Gavin lands a nice kick to the body. He connects with a follow-up left hand. Another low kick and then one to the mid section for good measure. A big leg kick from Gavin now. He continues to batter Sam with kicks. Sam throws a right that misses. He is getting outclassed right now by the newcomer. A good right hook lands for Gavin. Tucker is talking to him now. Sam has only landed 3 total strikes thus far. Another punch and then a kick from Gavin. Both men exchange right hands. Tucker lands another pair of kicks. Sam finally lands a right and Tucker just smiles at him. A right and then an uppercut land for Gavin. He misses with a high kick. Sam comes forward with a combo but nothing lands. Gavin counters him with a right hand and then another. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Gavin lands a counter right hand to start. Sam is coming forward hard now. Gavin throws a high kick. Sam responds wit a right. Sam shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Gavin lands a left. Sam with a high kick but it is blocked. Gavin fakes a kick and then lands an uppercut. Sam lands a hard right hand and then pushes Gavin against the fence. The break and Sam lands another right. He is gaining momentum now. Sicilia once again gets inside and presses Tucker against the cage. Gavin breaks free and then shoots in and scores a takedown. Sam scrambles back to his feet but eats a knee for his troubles. Sicilia is swinging for the fences now. Gavin lands a left and then a right. Sam with a big left. He follows that up with a head kick that partially lands. Tucker with a nice right jab. He is bouncing around now. He lands a right hook. He hurts Sam with a knee inside. Sam bites down on his mouthpiece and charges forward. Another right hand from Tucker. Round three comes to an end.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC Halifax