UFC Norfolk Results: Andrei Arlovski defeats Junior Albini
A heavyweight scrap between Junior Albini and former division champion Andrei Arlovski took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night card in Norfolk, Virginia.

Round one begins and Albini charges forward with punches. Arlovski circles out but Junior stays on him with another flurry. Arlovski connects with a right hand that immediately gets the attention of Albini. Junior misses with a wild right and Andrei connects with a left. Arlovski goes to the body with a punch. Junior clinches up and presses Andrei against the cage. He works in some knees from the position. The fighters break and Arlovski connects with a right hand over the top. He follows that up with a pair of hard low kicks. Another overhand right from Andrei. Junior presses forward and lands a left hand followed by a knee. Arlovski rips the body but then gets countered with a hook. Junior shoots in and presses Andrei back up against the cage. He works in a knee. Arlovski returns fire with one of his own. Albini lands an elbow as the fighters break. Both men are swinging wildly. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Arlovski gets off with a combination early. He rips a hard shot to the body of Albini. Junior presses forward and pushes Andrei against the cage. Both men land some knees from the position. Arlovski needs to get off the fence here. More knees from Albini. The referee steps in and breaks up the fighters. Arlovski with a left hand. Junior replies with a low kick. Once again the fighters clinch and Junior quickly pushes Andrei up against the cage. Junior with a plethora of knees from the position. Arlovski finally breaks off of the fence. He lands a straight right. Andrei rips the body with a pair of punches. He lands a nice low kick. Albini throws an elbow but the former champ counters him with a left hand. Arlovski lands a hard straight right hand up the middle. He spins and lands a back fist. Now an uppercut from Andrei. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Andrei lands a low kick followed by a left hand. Albini presses forward but Arlovski catches him with a nice shot to the body. Junior appears to be more active in this third and final round. Arlovski catches him with a left followed by an uppercut. Albini misses with an attempted elbow. He throws a right hand that Andrei barely avoids. Both men land low kicks. Arlovski attempts a head kick but it is blocked. He lands a right hand over the top and then another. Albini counters a switch kick with a right hand. An accidental eye poke by Albini causes a brief stop in the action. We restart and Andrei comes forward with a combination that ends in a shot to body. Arlovski with a 1-2. Albini fires back now. Junior is busted up but yet he stills presses forward. Arlovski is using angles to get inside and tag Albini now. 90 seconds remain and Albini lands a left hand. Arlovski returns fire with an uppercut. Arlovski lands a knee low and once again we will break as Albini is allowed to recover. We restart and Albini forces Arlovski up against the cage. He works some knees. The horn sounds to end round three.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
Andrei Arlovski UFC Norfolk