UFC 197 Results: Kevin Lee defeats Efrain Escudero via decision
A lightweight scrap between Efrain Escudero (24-11 MMA) and Kevin Lee (12-2 MMA) kicked off tonight’s UFC 197 fight pass prelims in Las Vegas.

Escudero opens up the fight with a jab. Kevin returns fire with a good jab and then a leg kick. Another leg kick and jab combo finds a home for Lee. Efrain misses with a high kick. Lee is circling and throws a kick that is partially blocked. Nice jabs from Kevin Lee. Escudero tries to clinch but it’s not there. Good counter jab lands from Efrain who works for a takedown. It is not there. Kevin separates and lands a jab. Good left hook scores for Lee. Esfrain picks him up and gets him down but Lee scrambles and returns the favor to Escudero. Good right hand and then a uppercut from Efrain. He shoots in a takes Lee down. Kevin gets back to his feet but Efrain cracks him with a jab. Efrain pushes Lee in to the fence and round one ends.
Round two begins and Efrain opens up with a good leg kicks that lands flush. Lee with a nice jab after missing a kick. Kevin with a leg kick. Efrain gets a takedown but Lee is up. Escudero lands a big right hand. Lee responds with a knee and then a kick to the body of Efrain. Lee shoots in for a takedown but Efrain is able to defend while against the cage. Good elbows from this position by Efrain. He lands a knee to the body on Lee which forces Kevin to separate. Escudero shoots in for a takedown but Kevin is able to defend. Both fighters land crisp shots. Efrain pushes Lee against the fence and lands a knee. Good right hand from Escudero. Lee lands a good couple of shots to end round two.
Round three begins and Efrain lands a right hand. Then he catches Lee with a low kick that causes the action to be paused. After the break, Lee opens up and lands a body kick. Big left hook scores for Efrain. He pushes Lee against the cage and starts working some knees to the thigh. Kevin eventually has enough that, this after over ten knees scored, and picks Efrain up and puts him on his back. Lee moves to half guard position. He lands some decent shots and then searches for a guillotine choke. It is not there so he begins working some hammer fists. Back to full guard but Lee is landing some good body shots on Efrain. This one is over. We are going to the judges scorecards for decision.
Kevin Lee defeats Efrain Escudero via decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC 197 results