UFC 200 Results: Julianna Pena defeats Cat Zingano
A key women’s bantamweight bout between two of the divisions top contenders Cat Zingano (9-2 MMA) and Julianna Pena (8-2 MMA) served as the featured bout of the UFC 200 prelims in Las Vegas.
Round one begins and Zingano presses forward with punches she uses the momentum to score an early takedown. Pena is able to get back to her feet but it is short lived as Cat lands another solid takedown. Pena scrambles but eats some shots as she returns to her feet. Julianna clinches up and is able to secure a takedown of her own. She begins working from half guard. Pena tries for a guillotine but it is not there and she gives up top position. Cat now working from full guard. Pena is landing strikes from the bottom. Cat finally lands an elbow. More shots from the bottom by Pena. She is doing an excellent job of wrapping up Zingano and landing short shots. Julianna is searching for a sweep. Cat lands a big elbow. Julianna scrambles and gets back to her feet. Round one comes to an end as Pena lands a nice shot.
Round two begins and Pena lands a kick to the body. Cat grabs a hold of her and slams her to the floor. Zingano working from full guard. Julianna is able to get back to her feet but Cat slams her back down almost instantly. Cat working from half guard now. Pena scrambles. Cat is looking for an inverted triangle. It is not there. Pena winds up on top and in side control. Julianna moves to the back of Zingano and begins working strikes. Julianna sinks in one hook and then a second. Pena sinks in a body triangle. One minute remains in round two. Pena is trying to sink in a rear-naked choke. Cat is doing a good job defending the submission attempt. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Pena is able to land an early takedown. She begins working from full guard. Zingano tries to kick her off but Pena moves to half guard. Good shots from the top by Juliana. She lands a nice short elbow. More elbows from Pena. She moves to side control position. Some hard shots to the body from Pena. Cat needs to scramble and get out of this position. Pena sinks in one hook as she attempts to take the back of Zingano. Julianna sinks the second hook and moves in for a rear-naked choke. Cat defends the submission attempt. Pena is landing some strikes from the back now. She is all over Zingano. Cat scrambles and winds up on top as round three comes to an end.
Pena defeats Zingano via decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC Results