UFC 204 Results: Michael Bisping defeats Dan Henderson via decision
A middleweight title fight between champion Michael Bisping and rival Dan Henderson headlined tonight’s UFC 204 event in Manchester, England.

Round one begins and Bisping presses forward and throws a body kick. Henderson returns fire with a leg kick. Bisping with a nice left jab. “Hendo” has his right hand cocked and ready to unload. The fighters trade low kicks. Dan throws a low kick and follows up with a right hand that misses. Bisping attempts a high kick. He goes low and scores. “Hendo” just misses with a right hand. Bisping has a cut and is bleeding. Not sure where that came from. Bisping with a leg kick and Dan just misses with a right. A huge right hand drops Michael. Dan comes in and lands some huge shots and elbows. Bisping is in all sorts of trouble here. He somehow gets back to his feet. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Bisping presses forward and lands a leg kick. Dan is just sitting on his right hand here. Another nice leg kick and then a body kick from Michael. A good combo lands for “The Count”. The crowd chants “Let’s go Bisping”. A nice straight right scores for Michael. He lands a solid low kick. And another. He goes upstairs with a high kick. Henderson with a right hand. Bisping takes it. He presses forward and lands a nice combo and then a high kick on Dan. Bisping looking good here. Dan paws with his jab. Mike lands a body kick. A big right from Bisping. Henderson lands a huge right and drops Bisping. Henderson is in full guard now. Bisping has him tied up so that he can recover. Shots from Michael from the bottom. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Bisping starts things off with a head kick. He lands two jabs and then a right hand. Another high kick from Michael. A nice left low kick from Michael. Henderson presses forward with a leg kick and then a right hand that misses. Bisping responds with a leg kick. Michael with a nice combo inside. He is pressuring Henderson now. Dan with a leg kick. Bisping with a left jab and then a leg kick. He goes upstairs with a kick but it is blocked. A nice jab from Michael. Dan swings and misses with a right. Hendo with a good jab. Nice movement from Bisping who lands a left. Henderson shoots for a takedown but it is not there. Bisping with a hard kick to the body. Big right hand scores for Bisping. Hendo with a leg kick but Michael responds with a right and then a left. He is landing at will here. Dan fires back and lands a right. Bisping with a head kick. Round three comes to an end.
Round four begins and Bisping lands a high kick early. Henderson is searching for the right hand but Michael is on to it. He lands a chopping leg kick on the veteran. A left hook from Bisping. Dan lands the right again. Bisping fires back with a low kick He tries to go high with a kick but it is blocked. Bisping with a lot of pressure here. Hendo with a nice kick to the body. Michael connects with a low kick. He throws another but it connects to the groin and the referee steps in. Henderson takes his time to recover. We restart and the fighters exchange left jabs. Hendo presses forward and lands a leg kick but misses with a right. Bisping with a left high kick which is blocked. Hendo fires back with a low kick. He seems to have a second wind. Another low kick from Hendo. Bisping paws with hi jab. Dan just misses with a right. A hard low kick scores for “The Count”. Bisping with a right and then a left. Hendo comes forward with a left hook but it misses the mark. Another left high kick from Bisping but it is blocked. A nice knee from Henderson ends round four.
Round five begins and Bisping pushes forward with a front kick. He goes upstairs with a high kick. A combo from Hendo misses the mark. He charges forward and lands a left. Dan is applying pressure in what could be the final round of his illustrious career. A nice stiff jab scores for Bisping. He lands a leg kick and then a right hand. Bisping with a right hook and then a left jab. Dan just misses with an overhand right. Bisping with a low kick. He fires off a combo that ends in a hard body kick. Bisping misses with a spinning high kick. He is applying pressure now. He lands a nice combo. The crowd cheers. 2 minutes remain. A nice uppercut from Bisping but Hendo lands a rigt hand. Hendo with a trip but Bisping gets back to his feet. Bisping with a left hook. He lands a follow up kick. Hendo dives for a takedown but it is not there. Dan with a right hand. 30 seconds remain. Bisping with a right hand.Hendo replies with a left. The crowd is on it’s feet. The fighters trade. Bisping with a flurry. The horn sounds to end round five.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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