VIDEO | UFC Fight Night 100 Results: Claudia Gadelha dominates Cortney Casey (highlights)
A women’s bantamweight bout between former title challenger Claudia Gadelha and Cortney Casey took place during tonight’s UFC Fight Night 100 main card in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Round one begins and Claudia lands a big right hand to start. Gadelha ducks under a right hand of Casey and scores a huge double leg takedown. Casey lands a couple of nice up-kicks but Claudia jumps back in to her guard. Good shots from Caludia. Casey battles back to her feet but eats a combination. More good shots from Claudia. She is landing counters every time that Casey comes forward. Another big takedown from Claudia. Casey stands back up. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Casey lands a leg kick to start. Gadelha presses forward and lands a right. Casey moves in and tries to clinch. Claudia pushes her against the cage and then lands a nice combo on the break. Casey circles and then goes upstairs with a head kick. She moves forward and clinches with Gadelha. Claudia spins her against the cage and lands a combo. She follows that up with a left hand. Claudia shoots in and scores an impressive takedown. She lets Casey back up. Cortney stands up and is greeted by a left hand. 90 seconds remain in round two. Casey charges forward but Claudia uses the momentum to score another takedown. She begins working from full guard. A nice elbow from the bottom scores for Casey. Claudia responds with shots. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Gadelha lands a nice counter combination. She scores with a jab. Casey presses forward but misses with an attempted front kick. Claudia lands a leg kick in return. She follows that up with a crisp jab and then a big takedown. She stands up and lands a head kick to Casey who was still down. Wow. This fight could be over here. On the replay it appears that the kick may have missed. We restart. No point was deducted. Casey lands a leg kick. Claudia presses forward and lands a big right hand. Another massive combo scores for Claudia. She is all over Casey now. She grabs a hold of Cortey and drags her to the floor. Casey gets back to her feet but eats another hard combo from Gadelha. Claudia with another good left and then a right. She shoots in and scores a takedown. She moves to the back of Casey. She is searching for an arm-triangle choke but round three comes to an end.
¿Le dio o no le dio?#UFCSaoPaulo
— FOX Deportes (@FOXDeportes) November 20, 2016
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC Results