UFC Fight Night 95 Results: Renan Barao defeats Phillipe Nover
A featherweight bout between former UFC bantamweight champion Renan Barao and Phillipe Nover served as the co-main event of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 95 event in Brazil.
Round one begins and Nover lands a jab to start. Barao replies with his own. A low kick from Barao lands low but the fight continues. The fighters trade jabs. A hard low kick lands from Barao. Nover scores with a left, and Barao answers with one of his own. Barao fires off with two punches. Barao leaps in again, and Nover scores a counter left that sends him down. Barao pops right back to his feet. Barao with a low kick. Another left scores for Nover. Low kick for Barao. Nover with a left. Barao kicks to the body. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Barao lands two early leg kicks. Nover replies with a jab. Barao goes to the body and then upstairs with punches. Renan lands two more leg kicks and then a push-kick to the body. Another nice kick to the bod scores for Barao. The former champ lands a nice counter. He comes forward with a flying knee that partially lands. Another leg kick from Barao. He is looking like a beast in round two. More leg kicks from Renan. Nover lands a body kick but eats a jab. Barao lands a jab but eats a hard low kick from Nover. Phillipe scores with a nice counter left hand. Barao comes forward and lands a nice combination. He follows that up with a kick to the body and then a takedown which scores. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Barao comes forward with punches. He lands a kick. Nover replies with a counter left hand. Barao goes to the body with a jab. He lands another punch. Nover lands a kick. Barao gets a body lock and scores a takedown. Renan moves to half guard. Nover attempts to get up. He shakes free of Barao and stands up. Barao comes forward and landsa right hand. Both men trade punches. A nice knee lands from Nover. Barao presses him against the cage. Renan is searching for a takedown. They break and Nover misses with a kick. A nice jab scores for Barao. Nover misses with a left hand. Barao presses forward and lands a combination. Nover scores with a body shot and then a kick. Barao ducks under a punch and scores a takedown. Nover quickly gets his back against the cage and stands back up. Barao drags him back to the floor and the horn sounds to end round three.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC Results