UFC on FOX 23 Results: Jason Knight submits Alex Caceres (Highlights)
A featherweight bout between Alex Caceres and Jason Knight kicked off tonight’s UFC on FOX 23 main card in Denver, Colorado.

Round one begins and both men start off quickly. Caceres lands a nice combination followed by a leg kick. Knight lands a nice counter right. Caceres bounces around and lands a god kick and then another. Knight replies with another straight right. He misses with a head kick. Jason continues his forward pressure and lands a combination. He pushes Alex against the fence and begins working for a takedown. Alex defends the attempt and circles off the cage. He lands a hard leg kick on Jason. Knight presses forward but misses with a combination. Caceres just misses with a high kick. Knight catches him with a punch. Caceres drops but pops right back up. More good shots form Knight. He takes the back of Caceres and the fight heads to the ground. Jason is looking to lock in a rear-naked choke. Caceres defends until the horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Caceres lands a hard inside leg kick. Jason eats it and charges forward with a big combination. The fighters exchange left hands. Caceres is bobbing and weaving. Knight gets in close and is able to wrestle Alex to the floor. He quickly takes the back and locks in a body triangle. He begins working some shots from the back position. Alex is defending well but has nowhere to go at the moment. Knight is looking for that rear-naked choke. He sinks it in and cranks the hold. Caceres defends and breaks the hold. Jason switches to punches and elbows from the back. Big shots here from Knight. He is working hard for the choke. Alex is finally forced to tapout. What a big win for Jason Knight.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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