UFC gets hacked on Instagram, Twitter

By Thomas Taylor - January 28, 2020

The official Twitter and Instagram accounts of the UFC have been hacked. A hacking organization identifying itself as OurMine is taking credit for this incident.

Dana White, UFC Jacksonville, Anthony Smith, Glover Teixeira, Sean O'Malley

The original Tweet from the hackers has already been deleted — though it’s not clear if it was deleted by the hackers, the UFC, or by Twitter. Whatever the case, the Internet is forever. See a screenshot below.

UFC Twitter hacked

Since this initial Tweet, the hackers have published several other similar Tweets. Provided they haven’t been deleted already (Twitter thankfully seems to be acting fast on this), you can see them on the UFC’s Twitter account.

As aforementioned, the hackers also usurped the UFC’s Instagram account. See a screenshot below:

If the name OurMine sounds familiar to some sports fans, that’s because the organization recently hacked the Twitter accounts of a host of NFL teams. Twitter promptly locked those accounts, and is likely to do so in the UFC’s case as well.

The NFL issued a statement on this unfortunate hacking spree. Read that below (via The Verge).

“On Monday, the NFL Cybersecurity department became aware of a breach of a league-related social media account. Targeted breaches and additional failed attempts were discovered across the league and team accounts. The NFL took immediate action and directed the teams to secure their social media accounts and prevent further unauthorized access. Simultaneously, the league alerted the social media platform providers and, with their assistance, secured all league and club accounts. We continue to work diligently with the teams, which have resumed normal operations.

“The NFL and teams are cooperating with its social media platform providers and law enforcement.”

At this time, the UFC has not yet commented on this cybersecurity breach.

This article first appeared on BJPENN.com on 1/28/2020.

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
