HATERS? Female Boxers Diss Ronda’s Punching Skills

Ronda Rousey might have impressed many with her 34 second KO of Bethe Correia at UFC 190, but not these ladies.
A few world boxing champions spoke out about Rousey’s boxing skills and said she better stay in her own sport, or she’ll get hurt.
Layla McCarter told the Guardian:
“I think she’s just brand new at boxing. She’s very good at what she does, but she needs to stay in her lane because boxing takes a lot of experience to reach the top level. She better just stay in her lane because she’s going to get hurt.”
“I know [Rousey competing in boxing] would be a disaster for her and I know Dana White would never let that happen.”
Amanda Serrano told Round by Round Boxing:
“Her movement is very bad, how she walks into punches and she would get caught. The girls that she’s fighting, they’ve got limited boxing skills.”
“Definitely Rousey’s trainer does not have any knowledge about the sport of boxing. Her opponents cannot box and it’s easy to look great… As a boxing point of view, she looked like a rookie amateur fighter, throwing very wide punches with no coordination.” Amanda Serrano told Round by Round Boxing”
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