‘UFC Fight Night 33: Hunt vs. Bigfoot’ Preliminary Card Play-By-Play And Live Results
Starting at 3:30 p.m. PST, BJPENN.COM will be providing our readers with live results and round-by-round action from tonight’s UFC Fight Night 33 preliminary card event going down in Brisbane Australia.

If you aren’t going to be attending live or cannot make the broadcast on FOX Sports 1, tune in right here to follow along with us during tonight’s event.
(Note: If you’re looking for the main card portion of tonight’s fight coverage, click HERE.)
Alex Garcia defeated Ben Wall by way of KO (Punches) :43 of Round 1
Krzysztof Jotko defeated Bruno Santos by way of Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Justin Scoggins defeated Richie Vaculik by way of TKO (Punches) 4:33 of Round 1
Caio Magalhaes defeated Nick Ring by way of Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Takeya Mizugaki defeated Nam Phan by way of Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-28)
Alex Garcia (10-1 MMA, 0-0 UFC) vs. Ben Wall (7-0-1 MMA, 0-0 UFC)
Round 1 – Wall is quick to take the center of the octagon. Garcia lands a short left hand after Wall tries to press the action. Nice uppercut from Garcia and Wall doesn’t like that. Wall shoots for a takedown but fails. Garcia nails Wall with an uppercut! Wall is stunned and is out on one knee. Garcia lands a left straight and Wall falls to the ground. Wall eats another right hand before the referee calls a stop to the fight. That didn’t take long. Great start to the night!
Alex Garcia defeated Ben Wall by way of KO (Punches) :43 of Round 1
Krzysztof Jotko (13-0 MMA, 0-0 UFC) vs. Bruno Santos (13-0 MMA, 0-0 UFC)
Round 1 – We’ve a long feeling out process. Nice body kick from Santos, first strike of the fight comes thirty seconds in. Jotko is getting cut off in where he can move around the cage; Santos is cornering him and backing him up against the fence. Jotko needs to circle away. Jotko fails on a combination— everything was blocked. Santos shoots and almost secures the takedown but Jotko pops right back up. Santos is looking to slam Jotko or trip him down, but Jotko ended up on top. Jotko is in Santos’ half guard. Santos is back up to his feet before Jotko can do anything. They’re still in the clinch and Santos trips Jotko down. Jotko is back up. We’ve a very close round here. They’re both reversing each other constantly. Jotko has Santos pressed against the fence, Santos switches it around and is looking for a double leg takedown. He gets it momentarily but Jotko gets back to his feet. As Jotko got back to his feet, Santos landed a right hand. Strong body shots from Jotko in the clinch. The referee separates the action and resets it in the middle of the octagon. They go back to the fence and the horn sounds. 10-9 Santos.
Round 2 – Santos is back to controlling where the action is going but we have another long feeling out process. Santos misses a big right and we still don’t have a significant strike landed 1 minute in. Santos lands a body punch but Jotko hits him with a counter right. Santos clinches Jotko and pushes him to the cage; he’s looking for another takedown. Jotko turns the tables and is looking to make Santos pay in the clinch, but Santos pushes off and they’re back striking. Both men are being very careful, not really trying to make a fun show for the crowd. Jotko lands a straight left punch to the face. Santos responds with a shot to the body. Santos is back to pushing Jotko against the fence. Jotko tries to drag Santos down to the ground but finds no success. Jotko drops Santos with a short left hand! Santos is back to his feet and eats another left hand. 10-9 Jotko
Round 3 – We’re back in the middle of the octagon and both fighters are more active now. Santos hits a right hook. Santos nails Jotko with a straight right. Jotko barely misses a straight left. Santos blocks a left straight. Jotko clinches Santos and they are jockeying for position along the cage fence. Santos secures a double leg takedown and is in Jotko’s half guard. Jotko transitions into closed guard, which should benefit him with his long legs. Santos is popping up every now and then and popping Jotko with strikes but Jotko is just as active off his back. Santos transitions to half guard. He makes it to side control and transitions to Jotko’s back! He’s working on a rear naked choke but Jotko escapes and turns it around— he’s now on top doing work. Jotko lands a nice short elbow. Nothing much is happening right now. Jotko is trying to stay busy enough to not get stood up. He wants to steal this round. We see a few punches from Jotko but there’s nothing behind them. Santos is looking to trap Jotko in an arm-triangle but Jotko escapes with patience and ease. Elbow from Jotko. Horn sounds. 10-9 Jotko
Krzysztof Jotko defeated Bruno Santos by way of Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Justin Scoggins (7-0 MMA, 0-0 UFC) vs. Richie Vaculik (9-1 MMA, 0-0 UFC)
Round 1 – Fast action to pick it up. Scoggins is throwing a lot of sidekicks and hook kicks. Vaculik eats an uppercut. Vaculik tries to go into a clinch but Scoggins take him down. He’s in Vaculik’s open guard. Vaculik is trying to make his way to the octagon to wall walk up and he does it. Scoggins drops Vaculik with a right hook! Scoggins jumps on top of him and tries to finish the fight but Vaculik is fine. Scoggins is back on top, trying to work and transition but Vaculik makes it back to his feet. Vaculik’s back is pressed against the cage and Scoggins takes him back down. This round is all Scoggins. Vaculik is trying to push off the cage with his feet and buck Scoggins, but it’s not working. Scoggins transitions to full mount but Vaculik bucks out right after. Scoggins has Vaculik’s back and he’s pounding away at the head of Vaculik. He’s landing shot after shot and they’re landing pretty hard. Vaculik eats about 10 shots before the referee stops it, this one is over and the crowd isn’t happy about it. Vaculik protests but it was a fair stoppage.
Justin Scoggins defeated Richie Vaculik by way of TKO (Punches) 4:33 of Round 1
Caio Magalhaes (6-1 MMA, 1-1 UFC) vs. Nick Ring (13-2 MMA, 3-2 UFC)
Round 1 – Magalhaes opens up the fight with a straight right. Ring connects with a left high kick. Ring is trying to keep his distance with straight kicks to the body but they’re not doing much damage. Nick Ring accidentally pokes Magalhaes in the eye and the fight is paused. Magalhaes is okay and we are back underway. Ring leading with his jab and he connects twice in a row. Magalhaes nails Ring with a right hook. Ring goes in the clinch and pushes Magalhaes into the cage. They’re back in the middle of the octagon. Inside leg kick lands for Magalhaes. Ring stuffs a takedown attempt. Magalhaes now has Ring pushed against the cage and Ring turns it around. He has Magalhaes in the clinch and Ring is landing knee after knee after knee. He’s landing them to the head and body. Magalhaes defends the takedown by grabbing the fence and the referee slaps his hand away. Ring secures the takedown. Ring is in Magalhaes’ half guard. Magalhaes is looking for a heel hook but Ring defends it brilliantly and rolls out of it. Ring lands another knee as they make it back to their feet. Ring is landing short punches inside the clinch. Ring eats a right hook to the head. They scramble on the ground for a bit but make it back to their feet where the round ends. 10-9 Ring
Round 2 – Magalhaes lands an inside leg kick. Body kick from Magalhaes. Another inside leg kick from Magalhaes but he overspins and trips. Ring jumps on him and pops him as he gets back to his feet. Ring is keeping his lead hand very low. Nice sprawl from Ring after a Magalhaes shoot. Ring shoots for a takedown of his own but Magalhaes stuffs it. Magalhaes goes for a guillotine but loses positioning and Ring ends up on top anyway. He has Magalhaes locked in the crucifix position and he’s slamming elbows into the head of Magalhaes. Ring gave up momentum and Magalhaes spins out of it— he’s on top now. Magalhaes is in Ring’s guard and he’s not doing much work. Ring is doing more than him, striking from the bottom. Magalhaes is breathing heavily. Magalhaes stands up and postures over ring but he falls right back on Ring, looking to transition into half guard. Ring defends it. Magalhaes lands three nice shots to the body and head of Ring. Another short crisp punch lands on the head of Ring. Left punch from Magalhaes again. Ring is trying to escape the bottom. Ring is working for a triangle on the bottom but has no success. 10-9 Magalhaes
Round 3 – Thirty seconds go by and the referee wants some action. Magalhaes cuts Ring’s leg kick off with a leg kick of his own. Ring is finding some success with his left cross. It’s pushing Magalhaes back. Magalhaes lands a right hook. Ring lands a leg kick and Magalhaes hits a left hook to the head. Right straight from Magalhaes. Right hook and a left straight from Magalhaes! Ring is tired. He falls to his guard and Magalhaes jumps on top of him. Magalhaes tries to transition to half guard but the referee stands them up! Terrible reset in action. Ring shoots and is working on finishing a single leg takedown but Magalhaes is defending fine. Magalhaes is working the body of Ring with body shots. The referee stands them up and they both sluggishly stand up. They’re tired. Ring flops, or I guess you can call it a takedown attempt? Magalhaes stuffs it. Magalhaes is is good position to end the fight with momentum. He’s landing the softest punches in the world and the horn sounds. Boring. 10-9 Magalhaes
Caio Magalhaes defeated Nick Ring by way of Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Takeya Mizugaki (18-7-2 MMA, 5-2 UFC) vs. Nam Phan (18-10 MMA, 2-4 UFC)
Round 1 – With a touch of the gloves, we are underway. Mizugaki lands a right straight. They trade jabs. Good body shot from Phan. Body shot from Mizugaki. Left hook to the body and head of Phan. Phan answers with a body shot. Mizugaki lands a takedown. Phan is trying to cage walk up. Mizugaki lands some BIG right hands as Phan tries to get back to his feet. They get back to the middle of the octagon. Right hook from Mizugaki and they’re trading shots. Phan takes a left straight to the face. Mizugaki shoots for another takedown but Phan defends it by grabbing the cage. The referee warns him to let go and he does. Mizugaki now has the takedown secured. Phan makes it back to his feet but takes a right straight to the head. Right hand from Mizugaki and Phan’s head pops back! Left hook to the liver from Mizugaki. Left uppercut to the body of Phan. Phan is taking some punishment. They trade shots to the body and the horn sounds. 10-9 Mizugaki
Round 2 – Right jab from Mizugaki opens up the round. Phan is getting lit up. He ate a three-shot combination and then got rocked by a left hook! Phan is pressed against the cage and Mizugaki is pouring it on. Phan absorbs all the shots and escapes danger! Great display of heart from Phan. Mizugaki must have thrown somewhere around 15 punches so his mouth is agape right now; he’s taking deep breaths. Phan’s offense is unimpressive. All of his strikes are getting cut off by Mizugaki’s. Mizugaki feigns two shots and lands a right hook. Knee to the body from Mizugaki and Phan answers with a jab. Phan is being kept at bay with Mizugaki’s jab. Mizugaki has the back of Phan, standing. Phan is looking for an armlock but has no success. Mizugaki takes Phan down. Phan gets back to his feet right away and they’re back in the middle of the octagon. Mizugaki eats a straight left that rattles his head. Mizugaki gets cracked with a left hook. Phan gets a receipted with a combination from Mizugaki. Rounds ends with Mizugaki missing a takedown attempt. 10-9 Mizugaki
Round 3 – Mizugaki’s mouth is still wide open. He’s very tired. Phan knows he’s down two rounds to none and he is showing a sense of urgency at the beginning if this round. Mizugaki takes a left hook to the cheek. Mizugaki lands a body shot. Phan lands a right to the body and a left hook to the head. Mizugaki shoots for a takedown and Phan locks up the arm again! It would have been a beautiful kimura but Phan did not execute it properly. Mizugaki is hurt with Phan’s left hand. Right cross from Phan. Mizugaki is pressing forward but it doesn’t look like he’s all there. Phan is softening him up with body shots and he cracks Mizugaki again with a left hook. Phan almost lands an uppercut, but eats a right cross instead. Phan lands a right cross. Mizugaki slams his fist into the gut of Phan. Left uppercut lands for Phan. Phan hasn’t thrown a lot of kicks this round. He needs to mix it up. Left hook lands for Mizugaki. Phan spraws a Mizugaki takedown attempt. Another nice left hook from Phan. Mizugaki wobbles Phan with a left hook and another. Phan seemed off balance but he recovers. Ten seconds left and the horn sounds while their trading blows. 10-9 Phan
Takeya Mizugaki defeated Nam Phan by way of Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-28)
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