UFC Fighters React To Big Nog Retiring

The sport of MMA has said goodbye to one of the biggest legends and names in the history of mixed martial arts. Big Nog, or Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, has decided to official call it quits and accepted a job from the UFC, as the Brazilian Ambassador.
When the news was announced fighters came out in hordes to give their thoughts on the legend hanging up the gloves.
As you can imagine, Big Nog had a significant impact on fighters coming out of Brazil. Here are just some of their reactions.
Check it out!
Hoje o maior guerreiro que esse esporte já conheceu está se aposentando e a única coisa que posso fazer é agradecer, pois esse cara foi o grande exemplo que me levou a superar meus próprios limites e me tornar um vencedor. Então OBRIGADO RODRIGO MINOTAURO! #vamosemfrente @minotauromma . | | Today the greatest warrior that this sport has ever known is retiring and the only thing I can do is being thankful, because this guy was the great example that led me to overcome my own limits and become a winner. So THANK YOU RODRIGO MINOTAURO! #vamosemfrente @minotauromma A photo posted by Junior Cigano Dos Santos (@junior_cigano) on
Muito respeito por esse cara!! Rodrigo Minotauro muito obrigado por tudo, uma verdadeira lenda||—>>>Thanks for everything, the true legend #Jesus #JesusFirst #legend A photo posted by Rafael Dos Anjos (@rdosanjosmma) on
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This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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